• Why the BELTWHIP?

    The BELTWHIP is a concealable self-defense deterrent for personal protection. It hides within a belt, concealed within a sewn-in sheath.

    What makes BELTWHIP different is its from-the-ground-up design. Its concealed design and included belt make quick work in deterring threats.

  • Usage Cases

    - Self protection when traveling in dangerous areas.

    - Defense against dangerous individuals and attackers.

    - A sense security while hiking or visiting remote areas.

    - Protection from animals and wildlife.


    BELTWHIP is made for its user. What makes the BELTWHIP different from other products is its weight, length, and concealability. It hides in plain sight at your waist.

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BELTWHIP is an Independent Business

Traveling across America’s roads, it was almost routine for BELTWHIP’s inventor to encounter aggressive individuals and external threats.
He searched for many ways to repel these threats, but found disappointment in many current nonlethal and lethal options. In his search, he created BELTWHIP to meet needs unmeet by other products.


"When I find myself in the valley of the shadow of death, it's usually because my GPS brought me there. Thy BELTWHIP comforts thee."
~ Don Richardson, Kenworth Pilot


"With all of the traveling I do for work, I'm always looking over my shoulder at night when I'm in a sketchy place. Wearing the BeltWhip gives me peace of mind knowing it's  ready to go if things get weird."
~ Alex C., Author/Coach/Speaker


"I walk my dog along a trail early every morning and sometimes we encounter a coyote or two.  They aren't shy and I don't turn my back on them, but when I wear the BeltWhip, I know my dog and I are protected."
~ Mike R., California


The BELTWHIP is designed to be used as a self defense deterrent. This deterrent should only be used when there is an immediate threat to life or property.

Primary targets for the BELTWHIP should be limbs or hands. Avoid hitting vital organs, neck, and head. When not used properly, the BELTWHIP can cause a deadly result. Do not use the BELTWHIP in any way other than for defense or controlled demonstration.